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 Skateboarding is an exciting and exhilarating activity that anyone can learn, regardless of age or skill level. If you're just starting out, it can be daunting to know where to begin. But fear not, because this beginner's guide will take you through the basics of skateboarding step by step. Choosing the Right Skateboard: The first step to getting started with skateboarding is choosing the right board. There are various types of skateboards available in the market, but the most common type is a street skateboard. A typical street skateboard comprises a wooden deck, trucks, wheels, bearings, and grip tape. Consider factors like deck size, wheel hardness, and truck type while choosing your skateboard. Protective Gear: Protective gear is a must-have for any beginner. It's important to wear a helmet, knee and elbow pads, and wrist guards to protect yourself from injuries. Balancing and Standing: The key to successful skateboarding is balance. To begin, stand with your feet shou...

85 Million People Skateboard Worldwide: How to Get Involved

 85 Million People Skateboard Worldwide: How to Get Involved

Skateboarding is one of the most popular sports in the world, with 85 million skateboarders worldwide. However, if you don’t already skateboard, it can be difficult to figure out how to get involved in this exciting sport that has millions of people who share your interests and hobbies! In order to make sure you’re fully prepared to join the skateboarding community, this article will go over all the equipment, gear and accessories you need, along with tips on where to purchase them so you can get started today!

The History of Skateboarding

Skateboarding is often seen as a subculture, but it's been around since the early 1900s. It's roots are closely tied to surfing, which is why skateboarders are often referred to as surfers on land. In 1976, skateboarding was recognized by the International Olympic Committee and has been in the Olympics since 1998.
7 Reasons Why You Should Start Now
Skateboarding is a great way for you and your friends to get outside, meet new people, and have fun. If you're not yet skateboarding, here are 7 reasons why you should start now. 1) Skating is a safe sport that can be done at any age and in any location. 2) It's fun!

What are the Best Types of Boards?

The best type of skateboards are the ones that match your skill level, as well as how and where you will be skating. If you are just starting out, a cruiser board is perfect for getting started. Cruiser boards are typically wider than other boards and have a lower center of gravity, making them easier for beginners to balance on. The deck is also usually made from hardwood, meaning the board will last for much longer than other types of boards that use cheaper material like plywood or plastic.

Where Can You Go If Want To Learn?

The International Association of Skateboard Companies (IASC) is the governing body for skateboarding, and they offer many different avenues for learning. The IASC has seven regional councils that they work with in order to provide resources and information on skateboarding within those regions. If you live in Australia, there are four options available- three of which are free! There is also a toll-free number that you can call if you live outside of Australia and would like more information on how to get involved.
Where Can You Go To Find Out More?

Skateboarding is a popular pastime that not many people know about. If you're looking for an inexpensive way to get involved with a close-knit community and have fun while doing it, skating might be the sport for you. There are tons of skateparks across the country that offer classes and contests, plus there are plenty of resources online that will teach you how to skate.


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